Monday, September 20, 2010

Alberta Education Guiding Statments and Values

The following is reprinted here from Inspiring Action on Education: A Discussion Paper. Is presented here for discussion and comment on developing a value based medium.

Guiding Statements
The vision, values and principles describe the purpose, motives and intentions that underpin our education system, and which guide and are reflected in each area of policy and governance.
To inspire and enable students to achieve success and fulfillment as engaged thinkers and ethical citizens with an entrepreneurial spirit within an inclusive education system.
Values describe the ideals we seek to embrace and fulfill in the operation of the education system. This discussion paper adopts the following values from the Inspiring Education Steering Committee Report:
Opportunity: Learners are exposed to rich learning experiences that enable them to discover their passions and achieve their highest potential.
Fairness: Learners have access to the programs, support services, and instructional excellence needed to achieve desired outcomes.
Citizenship: Learners have pride in their community and culture. They have a sense of belonging and work to improve both the community and the world.
Choice: Learners have a choice of both programs and methods of learning.
Diversity: Learners’ differing needs, cultures, and abilities are respected and valued within inclusive learning environments.
Excellence: Learners, teachers, and governors achieve high standards.


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